Azad Jammu & Kashmir University AJKU Admission process of 2022 has been completed and a lot of candidates have applied for admission in numerous degrees like Bachelor, Master, MS & Higher level of education. All the concerned students who have attached with AJK University admission looking for final merit list then we are glad to share with you that your AJKU Admission 2022 Merit List is uploaded here. Number of Departments Recommended List 2022 AJKU has been declared including AJKU Mass Communication Merit List 2022, International Relations Merit List 2022, Software Engineering Merit List 2022, BS English Merit List 2022, M.Phil English Merit List 2022, B.S Biotechnology Merit List 2022, M.Phil Biotechnology Merit List 2022 and many more. Just open the below attached link of AJKU and download all Merit List here.
AJKU Merit List 2022 Admission