DAR-E-ARQAM SCHOOL requires application for vacant posts of Teachers. The jobs were published in daily Jang newspaper today. We have already shared educational jobs 2023 her on our website. You can check all the details of qualifications and post name in the job ad shared below. These new teachers vacancies are for female staff as well. Walk in Test Interview on 2nd, 3rd, 4th August, 2023 and the timings are from (08:30am to 02:00pm).
The Job address is:
Chak Shahzad Campus (Near Adam Lodge Main Park Road 051-2321264, 0333-5139019)
DAS Tramni Chowk (Main Lehtrar Road Trami Chowk Islamabad. 051-2615729, 0334-1800615)
Nilore Campus (Thanda Pani Nillore. 051-5143022, 0330-5342476)
Ali Pur Jhang Syedhan Campus: near Jhang Mor Main Lehtrar Road 0512618228, 03349510259
Karri Road Campus near Aryana Villas, Main Bahria Enclave Road 03306240555