641 ZIP Code | United States Postal Codes of Puerto Rico(PR)

The postal code or ZIP code 641 has Utuado as common cities which are accepted by the US Post Office for this ZIP Code. The ZIP code may be located out ot the preferred city. Post office name is usually the city name for 641. You are advised to add your ZIP code preffered or acceptable cities for mailing a letter etc. If you use an unacceptable city for your mailing you will end up getting delays.

Primary / Preferred City: Utuado, PR

ZIP Code Lookup Postal Code Example

Extra Details of ZIP Code 641

ZIP Code 641
Type Standard
Common Cities Utuado
Country Utuado Municipio
Area Code (s) 787
Population 0
Population Density 0 people per sq mi
Housing Units 0
Median Home Value $0
Land Area 0 sq mi
Water Area 0 sq mi
Occupied Housing Units 0
Median Household Income $0

Primary and High Schools in ZIP Code 641

The ZIP Code 641 falls in the Puerto Rico Department of Education School District. The following list of public and private schools consists of 16 high and elementary schools that have mailing address in 641 ZIP code.

Bernardo Gonzalez Colon
Carr 10 Km 56 Hm 3 Bo Salta Ab Utuado, PR 00641
Grade Level: Other/Combined or Ungraded
District: Puerto Rico Department of Education School District

Su Francisco Jordan
Carr 111 Ramal 621 Utuado, PR 00641
Grade Level: Other/Combined or Ungraded
District: Puerto Rico Department of Education School District

Su Marta Lafontaine
Carr 613 Km 3 Hm 2 Bo Caonilla Utuado, PR 00641
Grade Level: Other/Combined or Ungraded
District: Puerto Rico Department of Education School District

Antonio Tulla Torres
Carr 140 Km 5 Hm 6 Bo Mameyes Utuado, PR 00641
Grade Level: Other/Combined or Ungraded
District: Puerto Rico Department of Education School District

Inocencio A. Montero
Carr 110 Km 51 Hm 6 Bo Salto a Utuado, PR 00641
Grade Level: Other/Combined or Ungraded
District: Puerto Rico Department of Education School District

Dr Efrain Gonzalez Tejera
Carr 111 Km 16.6 Bo Angeles Utuado, PR 00641
Grade Level: Primary/Elementary
District: Puerto Rico Department of Education School District

Felix Seijo
6 Calle Tomas Jordan Utuado, PR 00641
Grade Level: Primary/Elementary
District: Puerto Rico Department of Education School District

Maria Libertad Gomez
Urb Perez Matos Calle Robles Utuado, PR 00641
Grade Level: Middle/Elementary
District: Puerto Rico Department of Education School District

Angeles El Corcho
Carr 600 Km 2 Hm 2 Bo Angeles Utuado, PR 00641
Grade Level: Primary/Elementary
District: Puerto Rico Department of Education School District

Carmen Aponte Santiago (cayuco)
Carr 621 Km 21 Hm 5 Sect Cayuc Utuado, PR 00641
Grade Level: Primary/Elementary
District: Puerto Rico Department of Education School District

Paso Palma I
Carr 140 Km 15 Bo Paso Palma Utuado, PR 00641
Grade Level: Primary/Elementary
District: Puerto Rico Department of Education School District

Judith a Vivas
Ave Ribas Dominicci Utuado, PR 00641
Grade Level: Primary/Elementary
District: Puerto Rico Department of Education School District

Nueva Superior Vocacional
Carr 10. Km. 52.5 Bo. Salto Ar Utuado, PR 00641
Grade Level: High/Secondary
District: Puerto Rico Department of Education School District

Francisco Ramos
Calle Dr Cueto Utuado, PR 00641
Grade Level: Middle/Secondary
District: Puerto Rico Department of Education School District

Luis Munoz Rivera
124 Calle Dr Cueto Utuado, PR 00641
Grade Level: High/Secondary
District: Puerto Rico Department of Education School District

Jose Vizcarrondo (su Angeles)
Carr 111 Int 602 Bo Angeles Utuado, PR 00641
Grade Level: High/Secondary
District: Puerto Rico Department of Education School District

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