List of Postal Codes of GPOs of Muzaffarabad

Here is you list of all Muzaffarabad GPO Postal Codes, ZIP codes or postcode and all other information you need. This table consists of Muzaffarabad Delivery Post Office name or Non Delivery Post Office names and with the Attached Branch Offices Post Codes of Muzaffarabad.

Postal code list of Muzaffarabad

What is ZIP postal code of Muzaffarabad?

# Postal Code Delivery Post Office Province Attached Branch Offices Post Code
1 13230 ATHMAQAM Azad Kashmir13231
2 13240 CHAKOTHI Azad Kashmir13241
3 13190 CHENARI Azad Kashmir13191
4 13170 CHIKAR Azad Kashmir13171
5 13150 GARAHI DUPATTA Azad Kashmir13151
6 13180 HATTIAN BALA Azad Kashmir13181
7 13224 JURA Azad Kashmir13225
8 13200 KAHURI Azad Kashmir13201
9 13220 KARNAH Azad Kashmir13221
10 13234 KEL Azad Kashmir13235
11 13164 LEEPA Azad Kashmir13165
12 13100 MUZAFFARABAD GPO Azad Kashmir13101
13 13210 PATTIKA Azad Kashmir13211
14 13250 RAHIMKOT Azad Kashmir13251
15 13232 SHARDA Azad Kashmir13233


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