University of Sargodha has issued a press release for those all candidates who have enrolled and submitted the documents in SU associate degree of Arts ADS, Associate Degree of Science ADS, Associate Degree of Commerce ADC / Bachelor. Exams of SU AD are now going to start from 13th July 2023. All private / Late colleges candidates can get the Sargodha University Roll Number Slips 2023 on that link All those candidates who are facing any issue in their forms or admit card are advised to visit on branch to correct their issued and then download their roll number slips. If a student failed to download the Roll Number Slip before the due date then university will never responsible for any action against his / her educational career. It is informed to all candidates that BA Roll Number Slips 2023 Sargodha University are available only online.
It is a clear instruction for all candidates that with out roll number slips you cannot sit in the examinations hall. Along with this, you can now easily download Sargodha University ADS Model papers & Sargodha University ADA Model Papers 2023. We are also informing here to all students that you are on right page to get Sargodha University Associate Degree Result 2023. Online result checking facility is available here now.