Sargodha University BDS BS Practical exams September2021 Postponed

As per latest notification of University of Sargodha, the upcoming all practical exams has postponed due to COVID situation in Pakistan. Candidates which are going to participate in the practical examination of UOS ADP Part I Exams 2021, ADP Part II, BA, BSc 1st Annual Exam 2021, BS Zoology, BS Chemistry 1st Term. These all class practical exams were scheduled during the 06 to 11 September 2021. Students who want to get Sargodha University new practical exams schedule are advised to keep visit here with us for new updates.

AIOU PhD Mass Communication Final Merit List 2021 Autumn

Allama Iqbal Open University AIOU has already taken the admission test for the class of PhD Mass Communication semester autumn 2021. Different students take part in the exams and now AIOU has officially declared the AIOU Final Merit List 2021. Students can download below complete final Merit List Phd Mass Com AIOU 2021. However, students can come on this site for AIOU latest updates.
AIOU Final Merit List PhD Mass Communication
PU Associate Degree Arts & Science roll number slips correction last date
Univeristy of Punjab has informed all candidates of Associate Degree of Arts & Associate Degree of Science (ADA & ADS) that they can correct their roll number slips for upcoming supply exams 2021. Exams which are going to start from 11 October 2021 can correct their roll number slips. Here is also informed to you that students which have last chance in the exams are advise must submit their forms before 16 September 2021.