King Edward Medical University Lahore KEMU has already started the process of KEMU Bachelor of Science B.Sc Hons annual exams 2023. The students can get their KEMU BSC Students Annual Exams 2023 Date Sheet. The papers will be conducted from 08-08-2023 to 08-08-2023 on the same time in the same exams centers. The students will read the instructions and they should follow them while attending their annual exams B.SC Hons Allied Health Sciences Third Professional Supplementary Examinations 2023 to be held as per given schedule. All students who have enrolled in KEMU Lahore can now download the complete date sheet 2023 here.
We are advised to all KEMU attached students that you can now download the full details of your roll number slips 2023 here. Students are also informed that you can now get KEMU BSC Result 2023 here with us so keep in touch with us.