The University of Haripur UOH is a leading educational University where admissions are now open for all candidates in different sectors of educations. Candidates from different subject can apply for numerous programs of BS MS, M.Phil, M.SC, MBA, PhD and many more. Students are advised that admissions are open now in BS Biochemistry, BS Botany, BS Zoology, BS Microbiology, BS Radiology, BS Public Health, BS Human Nutrition, BS Computer Sciences, BS Software Engineering, BS Mathematics, BS Statistics, M.Phil in Geology, Environmental Sciences, Forestry, Wildlife Management, Agronomy, Entomology, Food Sciences, Plant Breeding, Soil Sciences, Climate Change, Economics, Education, Islamic Religious studies, Psychology, Public Policy, Management Sciences, Master in Business Administration, MBA, English, Political Sciences, Mathematics, Food Sciences and many more.
Last date is 9th February 2023 for submission of form. You can get further about admission in The University of Haripur UOH in the below attached advertisement so keep in touch with us.