791 ZIP Code | United States Postal Codes of Puerto Rico(PR)

The postal code or ZIP code 791 has Humacao as common cities which are accepted by the US Post Office for this ZIP Code. The ZIP code may be located out ot the preferred city. Post office name is usually the city name for 791. You are advised to add your ZIP code preffered or acceptable cities for mailing a letter etc. If you use an unacceptable city for your mailing you will end up getting delays.

Primary / Preferred City: Humacao, PR

ZIP Code Lookup Postal Code Example

Extra Details of ZIP Code 791

ZIP Code 791
Type Standard
Common Cities Humacao
Country Humacao Municipio
Area Code (s) 787
Population 53417
Population Density 1445 people per sq mi
Housing Units 25,871
Median Home Value $0
Land Area 36.95 sq mi
Water Area 1.11 sq mi
Occupied Housing Units 19,904
Median Household Income $0

Primary and High Schools in ZIP Code 791

The ZIP Code 791 falls in the Puerto Rico Department of Education School District. The following list of public and private schools consists of 12 high and elementary schools that have mailing address in 791 ZIP code.

Carlos Rivera Ufret
80 Ave Roosevelt Humacao, PR 00791
Grade Level: Middle/Combined or Ungraded
District: Puerto Rico Department of Education School District

Su Cruz Ortiz Stella
Carr 926 Km 1 Bo Collores Humacao, PR 00791
Grade Level: Other/Combined or Ungraded
District: Puerto Rico Department of Education School District

Su Jose Toro Rios
Carr 3 Ruta 925 Km 3.3 H 3 Humacao, PR 00791
Grade Level: Other/Combined or Ungraded
District: Puerto Rico Department of Education School District

Su Luciano Rios
Carr 923 Bo Buena Vista Humacao, PR 00791
Grade Level: Other/Combined or Ungraded
District: Puerto Rico Department of Education School District

Carmen Pilar Santos
Calle Progreso Bda Patagonia Humacao, PR 00791
Grade Level: Primary/Elementary
District: Puerto Rico Department of Education School District

Rufino Vigo
Calle Duchesne 113 Humacao, PR 00791
Grade Level: Primary/Elementary
District: Puerto Rico Department of Education School District

Braulio Ayala (mambiche Blanco)
Carr 924 Ramal 938 Bo Mambiche Humacao, PR 00791
Grade Level: Primary/Elementary
District: Puerto Rico Department of Education School District

Pepita Lopez
Carr 190 Km 1.2 Catano Humacao, PR 00791
Grade Level: Primary/Elementary
District: Puerto Rico Department of Education School District

Candido Berrios
Carr 3 Ramal Km 87 Hm 1 Bo Can Humacao, PR 00791
Grade Level: Primary/Elementary
District: Puerto Rico Department of Education School District

Dr. Victor Rincon
Calle Gladiola Bo Junquito Humacao, PR 00791
Grade Level: Primary/Elementary
District: Puerto Rico Department of Education School District

Manuel Surillo
Carr 908 Km 5 Humacao, PR 00791
Grade Level: Primary/Elementary
District: Puerto Rico Department of Education School District

Ana Roque De Duprey
Calle Dr Vidal Num 3 Humacao, PR 00791
Grade Level: High/Secondary
District: Puerto Rico Department of Education School District

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