List of GPO Postal Codes of Pakistan

Postal code is a set of 5 digit code created by Pakistan Post for every area of Pakistan to sort out the delivery and speed it up. In 1988 the postal codes were introduced. The postal codes have different names like ZIP code, postcode etc. in different countries across the world.

Postal Codes of Pakistan 2025

There is a postcode or postal code for every area of Pakistan to speed up the sorting and get rid of mis-sending of the mails. We have created a list of all GPOs Postal codes sorted by cities on this page. In this list you will get the directory of all delivery post offices as well as the non delivery post offices.

You can find out your postal code of Pakistan and all areas GPO codes by clicking on your city link below. These zip codes include the Karachi Postal code, Lahore Post Code, Rawalpindi, Multan, Peshawar, Quetta, Hyderabad, Mirpur, Islamabad and all cities of Pakistan. My postal code can be found on clicking the city links below.

Pakistan Postal Codes List City Wise

How can I find out my postal code in Pakistan?

Just press ctrl + f and type your city name or search and click on the city name on this page. You will get list of all GPO postal codes of that city.

What is Pakistan postal code?

It is a set of five numbers introduced for speeding up the process of mails and getting rid of post mis sending by Pakistan post.

What is my postal code Lahore?

You can get your Lahore city post code by searching and finding specific link here is for Lahore city Postal Code of Lahore.


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Anas Khan

this life is very best
