Slang Dictionary with Slang Urdu and English Words Meanings - Page 2

Slang Words & Terms Dictionary List - Page 2

Slangs are the terms widely used in our life. Slang means Aamiyana Boli or Awaami Alfaaz in Urdu. These words are unauthorized but famous in daily chats. These slangs terms can be a word, phrase etc. We have a huge list of Slang terms with meaning which are widely used in everyday life.

# Slang Words Meaning
31 ABT2 About To
32 ABU Anyone but (Manchester) United
33 ABWT about
34 AC Air Conditioning, Alternating Current
35 AC/DC Rock Band
36 ACAPELLA Vocal music without instruments
37 ACC account
38 ACCT account
39 ACE Excellent, great
40 ACK acknowledged
41 ACLU American Civil Liberties Union
42 ACME A Company that Makes Everything
43 ACP Automatic Colt Pistol
44 ACT SAT type test
45 ACTA Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement
46 ACU Army Combat Uniform
47 AD Anno Domini (in the year of our Lord)
48 ADAD Another Day Another Dollar
49 ADD Attention Deficit Disorder
50 ADDY address
51 ADED All Day Every Day
52 ADEROL Drug that helps you focus
53 ADGTH All Dogs Go To Heaven
54 ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
55 ADHOC For the specific purpose, Improvised, impromptu
56 ADL all day long
57 ADM Ay Dios Mio
58 ADMIN administrator
59 ADN any day now
60 ADR All Due Respect