Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education BISE Gujranwala has large number of schools and private institutes which are under the association of BISE Gujranwala. Gujranwala Board has some areas under his jurisdiction including Sialkot District, Wazerabad District and Daska and Gujrat District. Students who take the part in the examination of class Higher Secondary School Certificate HSSC part 2 are now finding the Second Year class roll number slip 2022 Gujranwala Board. There are various subjects are added in the 12th class like Sciences Pre-Engineering, Pre-Medical, Commerce, Humanities, Computer Sciences etc. Students are now advised that your roll number slips are almost prepared and will published online nearly. You allotted centers will also be written in your Gujranwala Board FA F.SC part 2 class roll number slip 2022.
Both private and regular students roll number slips of class Intermediate will be issued by BISE GRW after some times and has a priority to show you all students roll number slips in just one click. Moreover, Students can follow us to get the BISE Gujranwala Board Inter Part 2 class past papers of science and arts subjects both.