Azad Jammu & Kashmir University Muzaffarabad AJKU has started the process of the coming AJK U Bachelor of Arts / Associate Degree of Arts / Bachelor of Sciences / Associate Degree of Sciences final exams 2022. The exams section of AJK University completed the documentation of the students and issued their AJKU BA BSC Part 1 Annual Exams 2022 Date Sheet and papers will be managed in coming days. The students will note the dates and time of their papers, which are mentioned in their AJKU BA & BSC Final Exams 2022 Schedule.
The candidates will bring their roll no slips in exams halls to show their roll number slips to the exams staff and they will be allowed to attend their exams. There is a simple way to check your AJK University Roll Number Slips on the official website and then open the link of roll number slips and then insert your name written on your admission form and complete BA BSC Admit card slip will be shown your screen.