Jinnah University for Women Recognized by HEC has officially declared the admissions of different faculties. Now all candidates who looking for JUW admissions 2023 are informed that you can now apply for many programs in JUW including BS Biotechnology, BS Biochemistry, BS Computer Sciences, BS Software Engineering, BS food science & Technology, BS Microbiology, BS Zoology, BS mathematics, BS Botany, BS Chemistry, MS Biotechnology, MS Botany, MS Chemistry, MS Computer Sciences, MS Software Engineering, BS Visual Studies, BS English, BS Education, BS Media Studies, MS Education, BS Commerce, BS Economics, MBA, BS 3 years program admission, BS 5 years program admission and many more.
All candidates can apply till 15th March 2023. complete advertisement of JUW is available here below. You can visit on official website page www.juw.edu.pk for for online application form.