CECOS University Peshawar was established as a small private sector institute named CECOS Data Institute, CECOS now offers degrees in Bachelor, Master and PhD Level of Education in different disciplines. Candidates who looking for the admissions 2022 are now eligible to get admission in different programs like:
Department of Civil Engineering B.SC Civil Engineering B.SC Civil Engineering Tech MS Civil Engineering M.Tech Civil PhD Civil Engineering |
Department of Management Sciences Bachelor of Business Administration BS Accounting & Finance MS Management Sciences MBA 1.5 years PhD Management Sciences |
Department of Computer Sciences Admissions BS Computer Sciences BS Software Engineering MS Computer Sciences MS Software Engineering PhD Computer Sciences |
Institute of Integrative Biosciences BS Biotechnology BS Microbiology MS Microbiology DPT Program Medical Lab Technology Pharm D |
Limited Seats are also available for scholarship in CECOS University Peshawar and details are in the below advertisement which ca easily read.